Do you know the feeling of when you have a project to do, but you simply can’t do it until your workspace is tidy and clean?

And then after you’ve used your last disinfectant wipe on your keyboard, you sit back and smile and think, “OK, now I can do this project.”

I hope I’m not alone on this one…

Clutter, junk, and straight up dirtiness literally clogs our way to performing at our best. A dirty desk, a processed food meal, even the lack of physical activity can leave you feeling anxious and well, weighed-down.

Saucha, one of the Niyama’s in Patanjali’s 8-limbed path, is about finding purity and cleanliness in our yoga practice, our mind and body, and even in our personal hygiene and living spaces.

When we live a clean life, with a clear mind, and a cleansed body, life is just easier to navigate through. Especially when there is no gunk holding us back.  

To cultivate more Saucha in your personal life, check these 9 simple things off your list to let go of excess baggage and invite more purity into your everyday living.

Tip: Try it over a weekend to welcome Monday morning in a calm and stress-free way.

9 easy tips to cultivate more Saucha (purity and cleanliness) for yourself

1. Commit to eating a clean meal once a day

  • Simply by eating a bit lighter and healthier, you won’t have that “heavy” feeling afterward. Leaving you to have the energy to accomplish the next task on your list.
  • Try this smoothie recipe for the perfect on the go breakfast.

2. Drink water

  • Is there anything purer than water? Do your body good and quench your thirst with the good stuff that is H2O. Your body will run smoother as a result.

3. Clean out your closet

  • Sort through your clothes and either keep, store or donate. An organized closet allows you to effectively think clearly in the morning and move on with the rest of your day with ease.

4. Throw out old makeup products

  • The eyeshadows and lip gloss you never use, get rid of them. Less is more in your makeup bag. Wipe out any spills and keep only your essentials.

5. Vacuum out your car

  • This one is easy and will make you feel so good when you get in your car to leave for the day. Not a glamorous task, but a goodie to check-off. 

6. Clear out your inbox

  • If your email notifications on your phone are in the hundreds or thousands, let’s tackle this now. Delete anything you really don’t need or file it in a folder for future reference. Try doing this one while you watch a show on tv. It doesn’t have to overwhelming. I always say a clean inbox is a happy inbox. Again, am I alone on this one?

7. Clean your yoga mat

  • You sweat on it and stand on it with bare feet. For the love of your yoga mat, give it a good clean.

Here is a DIY yoga mat cleaner to ensure nothing gross is being sprayed on your mat.

  • Fill a small spray bottle ¾ full with distilled water.
  • Fill the remaining 1/4 bottle with witch hazel.
  • Add 5 drops of tea tree oil (for antibacterial and antifungal properties).
  • Add 5 drops of your favorite essential oil (I like lavender or eucalyptus).
  • Shake and spray!

8. Go to yoga

  • Yoga is the golden trophy for sweating, removing toxins in your body, and giving your insides a good cleaning. Simply use your practice to let go of what you don’t need.
  • Yoga Tip: Do a yoga practice with plenty of twists to help detoxify your body. Twisting encourages blood flow, increased circulation, and helps to cleanse your organs.

9. Journal and set intentions

  • Free write whatever is on your mind. Get it all out of your mind and onto paper. Now that it’s all out of your head, move forward with a clearer state of thinking.
  • Set intentions for the day, week, or year ahead for how you want to feel and commit to not caring about the “noise” the external world throws at you.
  • Use this intention setting template to help yourself get started.

Now, don’t you feel better after getting rid of the gunk in your personal space, body and mind?

Like yoga, Saucha is a practice, and it’s not always perfect. But by putting tangible actions to work and seeing the results, you can instantly feel lighter and a little less stressed.