The optimal time to practice yoga will vary by everyone.

And truly there is no “wrong” time to practice yoga.

However, in my own experience, a morning practice has been some of the most rewarding times on my mat for healing and self-care. The house is quiet and I can take time to focus on me.

In fact, according to ancient yoga texts, the most optimal time to practice is in the morning between 4:00 am to 6:00 am because your mind is calm and you’re not bogged down with the day’s events running through your head so distractions are at an all-time low.

Need more persuasion to set your alarm clock 20 minutes earlier?

The Benefits to a Morning Yoga Routine

  • Sets the tone for your day with focus and intention
  • Boost energy levels
  • Wakes up your muscles to make you physically feel better throughout the day
  • Reduce stress – more oxygenated cells will leave you with a clear head for the day
  • Fire up your body to get your immune and lymphatic system going
  • The benefit of practicing on an empty stomach – you’ll feel lighter in balancing and twisting postures
  • It guarantees you’ll get your yoga in without unexpected conflicts popping up. Consistency is where you’ll see your practice evolve the fastest. Prioritize yourself.


Set Yourself Up For Success

To get yourself into the routine of a morning practice, it starts the night before.

Pre-Check List

  • Plan ahead – Go to bed early and have your stuff ready to go
  • If you drink coffee, set the timer to have your brew waiting for you
  • Use the Sleep Clock app – This app wakes you up at your lightest sleeping stage making it easier to get out of bed.
  • Before you drift off to sleep, think of what it will feel like to wake early and take time for yourself

Rise and shine. Wake Up Yoga Morning Routine

Get dressed and sip on something warm. First things first, grab your headphones and turn on one of these Power Vinyasa Yoga Playlists. Now, unroll your mat and practice this 10-minute well-rounded routine.

Wake Up Yoga Morning Practice – 10 Minutes

Start Seated

Find a comfortable seat and take a few deep breaths to drop into your practice.

Gentle Twists

Inhale reach your arms overhead, exhale twist to the right. Place your left hand on your right knee and right hand behind. Inhale arms overhead, exhale switch sides.

Cow Pose

Come to all fours. Inhale drop your belly, lift your chest and tailbone. 

Cat Pose

Exhale press into your heads and round your spine toward the ceiling. Pull your belly to your spine and tuck your chin. Repeat 3 times. After your final round, inhale to a neutral spine.

Downward Facing Dog

Exhale to Downward Facing Dog. Lift your tail bone high and press into your hands to lengthen your spine. Breathe into your whole body.

Crescent Moon

Inhale your right leg high. Exhale to low lunge, step your foot between your hands. Drop your left knee down and lift arms overheard.

Half Splits

Exhale straighten your right leg and send your hips to your left heal. 


Shift forward to a low lunge and step back to high plank. Lower down to your belly. Inhale lift just your chest off your mat. Press into your feet. Press back to Downward facing dog and repeat on other side.

Set Your Intention

Step to the top of your mat and slowly roll to stand. Join your hands at heart center. Set your intention for how YOU want to feel today.

Sun Salutation A - Tadasana

Inhale reach your arms overhead. Shoulders down your back.

Sun Salutation A - Forward Fold

Exhale fold forward. Hinge at your hips and lengthen through your low back.

Sun Salutation A - Half-way Lift

Inhale lift up half-way. Your neck and back are long and flat.

Sun Salutation A - Chaturunga

Exhale Chaturanga. Step back to plank and lower halfway down.

Sun Salutation A - Upward Facing Dog

Inhale Upward Facing Dog. Press into your hands and lift your heart. Release the tops of your feet to your mat. Thighs are lifted.

Sun Salutation A - Downward Facing Dog

Exhale to Downward Facing Dog. Roll over your toes and lengthen your spine and send your tailbone high. Repeat Sun A 3 times.

Knee to Nose

Inhale your right leg high. Exhale draw your right knee to your nose. Shift your shoulders over your wrists.

Crescent Lunge

Inhale lift your right leg back up behind you, exhale to low lunge. Inhale crescent lunge. Root through your right heal and lift arms overhead. Hips are square. Left heel is lifted.

Crescent Lunge with Airplane Arms

Exhale airplane your arms behind you. Your plans face the ground and shoulders slide down your back.

Warrior II

Inhale Warrior II. Open up to face the side. Your right foot points forward and left toes slightly in. Bend deep into your right knee. Reach forward and back with your arms. Relax shoulders.

Extended Side Angle

Exhale Extended Side Angle. Reach forward and then right hand down, elbow to your knee, and left hand high. Roll chest up toward the ceiling. 

Reverse Triangle

Inhale Reverse Triangle. Straighten your right leg and lift up to reach your right hand high. Press into your feet.

Triangle Pose

Exhale Triangle. Keep your legs straight and reach forward and then right hand down and left hand high. Press through your feet again and lift through your right hand. 

Reverse Warrior

Inhale Reverse Warrior. Bend into your right knee and lift up to draw your right arm by your ear. Left hand down. Breathe into your side body.

Flip Dog

Exhale to low lunge. Inhale your right leg high behind you. Exhale bend your knee to open your hip. Flip over by transfering weight into your left hand and foot. Lift your hips high and reach through your right hand.

Side Plank

Inhale to side plank. Stack your feet and your shoulders to flatten your body. Press through your left hand and reach through your right hand. Hips are stacked. Exhale through Chaturunga, inhale upward facing dog, exhale downward facing dow. Repeat on other side.

Chair Pose

Inhale look forward, exhale step to the top of your mat with feet together. Inhale halfway lift. Exhale Forward Fold. Inhale Chair Pose. Bend your knees, sit deep into your hips and reach your arms overhead. 


Exhale Eagle. Swing your right under your left and hook at elbows and wrists (option to place hands on opposite shoulders). Draw right leg up and over your left. Your foot may be on the mat for support, float, or bind behind left calf.

Eagle-Arm Airplane

Inhale unravel just your left leg to a one-legged mountain. Exhale to Eagle-Arm Airplane. Hing at your hips and send your left heel back behind you. Lengthen your body forward and back as you balance.

Revolved Crscent Lunge

Inhale land in Crescent Lunge with arms unraveled. Exhale Revolved Crescent Lunge. Draw your hand to heart-center, and twist your left elbow outside of your right knee. 

Quad Stretch

Release your twist and drop down to a low lunge with both hands inside of your right leg. Drop to your left knee. Option to stay or bend your left knee and capture your foot with your right hand for a quad stretch. Release and shift back to Downward Facing Dog. Repeat on the other side.


Inhale right leg high. Exhale to Half-Pigeon. Draw your right knee to your right wrist. Lower your hips down. Inhale sit tall. Exhale fold over your right leg. Left leg is long behind you. Option to do this on your back for any knee sensativity.

Bridge Pose

Inhale look through your hands. Exhale step all the way through to take a seat on your mat. Come to lay down on your back. Plant your feet hip-width distant. Root through your heels to lift your hips. Knees point straight forward. Lower your back down and root your low back into the ground. Breathe.

Wheel Pose

Keep your feet hip-width distant and draw your hands by your ears, fingertips point forward. Press into your feet and hands to lift your hips and head off the ground. 

Reclined Bound Angle Pose

Exhale to Reclined Bound Angle Pose. Draw your feet together to touch with your knees wide. Rest your right hand on your belly and your left hand on your heart. Close your eyes. Breathe deep. This will neutralize your spine. 

Seated Forward Fold

Draw your knees into your chest and rock up to sit at the top of your mat. Extend your legs out in front of you. Inhale reach your arms overhead. Exhale fold over your legs. You can bend your knees as much as you like!

Happy Baby

Roll back onto your spine to Happy Baby. Draw your knees to your shoulders and capture the outside edges of your feet. Roll your low back down. Option to sway side to side.

Supine Twist

Draw your right knee into your chest and extend your left leg long onto your mat. Inhale to prepare, exhale twist your right knee over to the left side of your body. Reach your right arm out to your side and your head to follow. Ground through both shoulders. Repeat on the other side.


Exhale into Savasana. Extend your legs long and your arms down by your side. Close your eyes. Rest your entire body. 

Meditate – 5 Minutes

Rise out of your yoga practice to sit in quiet for 5 minutes. The benefit to meditating after a yoga practice is your body is awake and your mind is clear, making it easier to focus on your breath. 

Let this time to truly solidify how you want to approach the rest of your day.  

Journal – 5 Minutes

Grab your journal and pen and begin to write whatever needs to come out. 

Suggested journal prompts:

  • List 3 things I am grateful for
  • How do I want to feel today and why?
  • My current goal is
  • One thing I will work on to get me closer to my bigger goal today is?


Remember, the hardest part is waking up and getting out of bed. Once your feet hit the ground, you’ll be on your way.

Consistency in a yoga practice is where you will see your body and mind evolve the quickest. A habit is made in 21 days. After 90 days. you’ll have a lifelong routine built into your system.

There is no “wrong” time to practice yoga. But a consistent morning yoga routine could be just the thing to take your practice to the next level.